
Sex Sex SexSex Sex Sex (2010)
Blues & Roots
Charles Travaux Blues
Sex, Trucks & Rock 'n' RollSex, Trucks & Rock 'n' Roll (2006)
Moonshine Reunion
Shake itShake it (2003)
Blues & Roots
Shake that BoogieShake that Boogie (2016)
Blues & Roots
Shake that thing!Shake that thing! (2015)
Blues & Roots
Blue Company
ShakedownShakedown (2001)
The Seatsniffers
Shakedown's Th'owdownShakedown's Th'owdown (2018)
Blues & Roots
Shakedown Tim & The Rhythm Revue
Sherwood AvenueSherwood Avenue (2018)
Blues & Roots
Fandango Live
Shipwreck partyShipwreck party (2003)
singersongwriter, blues
Shorty Jetson and his RacketeersShorty Jetson and his Racketeers (2018)
Blues & Roots
Shorty Jetson and his Racketeers
Sings with and from Shaun NielsenSings with and from Shaun Nielsen (2007)
blues, Pop / Rock
Jerry Deewood
Sings with and from Sherrill 'Shaun' Nielsen & FriendsSings with and from Sherrill 'Shaun' Nielsen & Friends (2009)
bluesrock, soul & funk
Jerry Deewood
Sittin' prettySittin' pretty (2014)
Blues & Roots
The St-Gillbillies
SnowblindSnowblind (2013)
Blues & Roots
Roland Campenhout
Something ain't rightSomething ain't right (2011)
Rusty Roots
Something elseSomething else (2013)
Blues & Roots
Fandango Live
Somewhere in the mountainsSomewhere in the mountains (2019)
Blues & Roots
Roland Van Campenhout
Songs from the MokSongs from the Mok (2015)
Folk, Blues & Roots
John Joris
Spirit levelSpirit level (2010)
Blues & Roots
HT Roberts
Stalemate daysStalemate days (2017)
Blues & Roots
HT Roberts