Mozart's crowning masterpiece
Type: | albumrecensie |
Auteur: | Richard Wigmore |
Bron | Gramophone |
Bron: | Gramophone |
Publicatiedatum: | 10.2010 |
Jaargang: | 88 |
Nummer: | 1062 |
Pagina(s): | 67 |
Taal: | Engels |
Raadpleegbaar: | in Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen (op afspraak) |
Korte beschrijving
La clemenza di Tito, Mozart's last opera, fell into oblivion soon after its premiere, only resurfacing in the 1960s. But, as Richard Wigmore seeks the finest recording, he finds its performances on disc are hugely diverse
Verwante items in de databank
Releases: | Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus - La Clemenza di Tito |