Strijkkwartet van Bram Van Camp valt in de prijzen

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Componist Bram Van Camp wint de tweede prijs op de Internationale Compositiewedstrijd 'New Note'  Kroatië 2014 met zijn werk voor Strijkkwartet.

Er werden 84 composities voor strijkkwart ingestuurd naar deze voor de derde maal georganiseerde wedstrijd.

Hieronder het verslag van de jury:

RESULTS - 3. International composer's competition NEW NOTE – Croatia 2014.

Members of the jury, Davorin Kempf, the president, Nikša Gligo, Dušan Bavdek, Irvin Arditti and Srećko Bradić on the session which took place on June 1st 2014 have unanimously decided to award two second prizes, and not the first and the third prize. The awarded compositions are under nr. 47: Shoichi Yabuta, Edge and nr 50: Bram Van Camp, String Quartet.
Edge, composed by the Japanese composer Shoichi Yabuta has two parts. The first one is markedly virtuoso, while the second one is based on short entwined lines forming one big multy-layered line with occasional melodic fragments brought up tp the surface.

The String Quartet, composed by the Belgian composer Bram Van Camp consist of three contrast interrelated movements. The author explores the phenomenon of interaction and organic evolution of different polyphonic layers in an interesting way, inspired, as he says, by Ludwig van Beethoven's work.

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Personen/groepen:Bram Van Camp (componist, hedendaagse componist, hedendaagse muziek)

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