Fear Falls Burning

Categorie:groep / artiest
Genre(s):improvisatie / experimenteel, Rock / Alternative
Huidige/voormalige leden:Dirk Serries

Korte beschrijving

Uitgepuurde, bezwerende gitaardrones van Dirk Serries.

Selectieve discografie

Function CollapseFunction Collapse (2019)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
Vinyl mastersVinyl masters (2014)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
Disorder of rootsDisorder of roots (2012)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
The rainbow mirrors a burning heart / Re-issueThe rainbow mirrors a burning heart / Re-issue (2010)
Rock / Alternative, improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
Woes of the desolate mourner (re-issue)Woes of the desolate mourner (re-issue) (2010)
Rock / Alternative, improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
Final + Fear Falls BurningFinal + Fear Falls Burning (2009)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning, Final
The carnival of ourselves / Cd re-issueThe carnival of ourselves / Cd re-issue (2009)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
Frenzy of the absoluteFrenzy of the absolute (2008)
psychedelisch / progrock, improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning
Fusilier / Pulse on FireFusilier / Pulse on Fire (2008)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning, Bass Communion
When mystery prevades the well, the promise sets fireWhen mystery prevades the well, the promise sets fire (2007)
improvisatie / experimenteel
Fear Falls Burning

Verwante items in de databank

(Wat is dit?)
Fear Falls Burning (05.2009)