The Record Store BookFifty legendary and iconic places to discover new and used vinyl

Auteur(s):Mike Spitz, Rebecca Villaneda
Uitgever:Rare Bird Books
Plaats van uitgave:Los Angeles, CA
Datum van uitgave:14.04.2015
Aantal pagina's:240
Raadpleegbaar:in Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen (op afspraak)


In 2011, Mike Spitz began photographing dozens of record stores in and around the greater Los Angeles area, rich with old and new record shops, to capture the lively experience of going to the independent record store. Beautifully wrought on color film, his photographs illustrate how each store has a unique and vibrant culture, and the stimulating experience of being in a record store and discovering that rare vinyl record, cassette or 8-track tape, memorabilia, vintage concert poster, turntable, nostalgia, or other music-related gems. The inclusion of in-depth interviews with store owners demonstrates how record stores cultivate a communal gathering place for human interaction, exploration and discovery.
In chronological order from the oldest existing stores, such as Canterbury Records that opened in 1956 in Pasadena or Music Man Murray Records that opened in 1962, to the most recently opened stores, The Record Store Book respectfully marks the changing of the guard from the older to the newer generation of stores as each owner shares facts, store history, and distinctive points of view regarding how people search for, find and appreciate music.


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