Dust & Grooves. Adventures in Record Collecting

Auteur(s):Eilon Paz
Uitgever:Ten Speed Press Berkeley
Plaats van uitgave:New York
Datum van uitgave:15.09.2015
Aantal pagina's:440
Raadpleegbaar:in Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen (op afspraak)


Dust & Grooves: Adventures in Record Collecting is an inside look into the world of vinyl record collectors in the most intimate of environments their record rooms. Compelling photographic essays from photographer Eilon Paz are paired with in-depth and insightful interviews to illustrate what motivates these collectors to keep digging for more records. The reader gets an up close and personal look at a variety of well-known vinyl champions, including Gilles Peterson and King Britt, as well as a glimpse into the collections of known and unknown DJs, producers, record dealers, and everyday enthusiasts. Driven by his love for vinyl records, Paz takes us on a five-year journey unearthing the very soul of the vinyl community.


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