Twice King: Monarkey / Alive and Kicking Ice

Uitvoerder(s):Ice King
Label(s):eigen beheer
Label code:/
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrumja


1-1.Linne Tatha
1-2.Rising from the ruins of Rome
1-4.Linne Foirthe
1-5.Hundred years I - Edwardian war
1-6.Hundred years II - Caroline war
1-7.Hundred years III - Lancastrian war
1-8.Mordred Fears
1-9.Verdunum I Bis - The Empire
1-10.Verdunum II Bis - The treaty
1-11.Verdunum III Bis - The battle
2-1.Mirror mirror (Live 2017)
2-2.Land of light (Live 2017)
2-3.Montjoie! - Betrayal I & II (Live 2017)
2-4.Metafusion IV (Live 2017)
2-5.Odyssey of battle (Live 2017)
2-6.Veni vene (Live 2017)
2-7.King of Ice (Live 2017)
2-8.Ockham's razor (Live 2017)
2-9.Sole survivors (Live 2017)
2-10.For the brave and free (Live 2017)
2-11.Bis/Bas: Frozen bogs (Live 2017)