Brahms Johannes - Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45
Type: | multimedia (audio/visueel) |
Formaat: | DVD |
Uitvoerder(s): | Collegium Vocale Gent, Ilse Eerens, Andrew Foster-Williams, Orchestre des Champs-Elysées |
Dirigent(en): | Philippe Herreweghe |
Label(s): | Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina |
Label code: | NIFC DVD 003 |
Releasedatum: | 05.2013 |
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrum | ja |
Plaatsingsnummer: | 2744 |
Genre(s): | romantiek |
The balance throughout is natural and clear, apart from the backward tenors at the beginning of the fugue in the third movement. As for the filming, it's a model of its kind: unobtrusive, with many panning shots of the chorus, and a perfect cut form woodwind to cellos in 'Wie Lieblich'.
(Richard Lawrence, Gramophone, juni 2013, p. 82)
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Persknipsels/Artikels: (Wat is dit?) | Hommage à Chopin - Ein deutsches Requiem (06.2013) |