Mistress Elizabeth Davenant, her Songs

Componist(en):anoniem, Mary Worth, John Wilson, Henry Lawes, Thomas Campion, Robert Johnson
Uitvoerder(s):Sofie Vanden Eynde, Rebecca Ockenden
Label code:RAM 1101
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrumja
Genre(s):oude muziek


1. Anonymous Heare my prayer O God
2. Robert Johnson (1583 – 1633) Woodes, rocks & mountaines
3. Robert Johnson Galliard (My Lady Mildemays Delight)
4. Anonymous Cloris sighd and sang and wept
5. Robert Johnson Almain

6. Mary Wroth (c. 1587 – c. 1651) When nights black mantle
7. John Wilson (1595 – 1674) Go happy hart
8. Anonymous Dropp drop goulden showrs
9. Robert Johnson Pavan
10. Anonymous If when I dye
11. Anonymous Cease o cease this hum of greeving

12. Mary Wroth How well poore hart
13. Anonymous Musicke thou soule of heaven
14. Anonymous I prithee leave love me no more
15. Robert Johnson Carman's Whistle
16. Henry Lawes (1595 – 1662) Like to the damaske rose
17. Anonymous Sleepe sleep though greife torment thy body
18. Thomas Campion (1567 – 1620) Come you prettie false eyd wanton
19. Anonymous Whether away my sweetest deerest
20. Mary Wroth Good now bee still
21. Robert Johnson Have you seene the white lilly grow
22. Anonymous Eyes gaze no more
23. Anonymous Shall I weepe or shall I singe?
24. Robert Johnson Galliard
25. Robert Johnson Care charming sleepe
26. Anonymous My strength hath faild